Sunday, March 29, 2020

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday Life

Importance of Chemistry in Everyday LifeChemistry is an interesting word, and it's one that we use in our daily lives. Most people don't realise the importance of chemistry in everyday life. It's been used as a description for anything and everything which are concerned with atoms and molecules. Everything from food to books has come into existence through this simple and yet complex science.If you're familiar with the human body, you might be familiar with the fact that the processes which are related to our physical lives are a product of the many individually arranged molecules in the form of cells, organs, and organ systems, and the human being. As well as the cells and organs in the body, chemistry can also be used to describe how the various individual cells, tissues, organs, systems, and organs relate to each other.While it's true that we've all seen examples of all of these at various levels of the body, the idea of chemistry is much more profound than this. The fact is that chemistry is both a part of our lives and an essential aspect of the physical world. The relationship between two materials or substances which are at opposite ends of the scale can be described by chemistry. Therefore, it's a science that applies to our daily lives.It's also important to point out that the science of chemistry is both directly related to the principles of physics and indirectly used in explaining the fundamental physical laws that we know. In essence, the science of chemistry is important to the way we live and think. It's actually what gives us the idea of the physical world as a whole.Chemistry isn't just limited to the body. In fact, the people who study it are continually searching for new ways to further refine and improve upon the theories that have been described by their predecessors. It's definitely not limited to just chemistry, but it also applies to biology, pharmacology, and the other sciences.Now, some of you might be thinking that the science of chem istry in everyday life is silly, and that it's not something that you should even pay attention to. It might seem rather odd, but the fact is that chemistry is important. It's a science that are directly linked to the production of new cells and it's one which directly affect the various bodily processes.On a basic level, the science of chemistry is based around the simple fact that all chemical reactions occur when there is an absence of certain atoms. These atoms are essentially atoms which are either present or not present. However, there are plenty of atoms that make up the universe, and it would be nearly impossible to describe everything that exists in the physical world using only the atoms in existence.It's important to point out that this is a simplified explanation, and it's on these different levels that chemistry can be discussed. Although chemistry does focus largely on the structure of molecules, they can also be used to explain how various organs and systems work, and it's essential to recognise this.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Most Effective Techniques for Learning Without Memorizing

5 Most Effective Techniques for Learning Without Memorizing Learning is a perplexed and consequential process. If you are involved in many various activities, your brain generates peculiar details of given information. We therefore can state that your capacity is sophisticated with accumulation of knowledge. When you are trying to remember the text, the cerebrum can not keep up the huge amount of information. Moreover, memorizing activity is an intense mental activity. Sometimes a person can even deal with the problem of forgetting the plain text forms. In this case we can facilitate mental work by connecting similar ideas and associations. You can easily make logical chains from things you already know. The psychologists and neuroscientists assert that this the passive form of perception. The passive learning can be both entertaining and intellectually productive. The main advantage is that you can combine natural aspect of thing (how it sounds and how it looks like) and your own representation. Here are the most effective techniques that you can use for learning material without memorizing: 1) Visualization process. Usually it uses the power of your imagination. The absolutely new concept can be reached by creating visual forms. For example, you can connect abstract ideas and forms into one mental picture. This means that one episode from your experience may appear in completely new image. For students who do not use visual system for memorizing, this strategy can be achieved by auditory or somatosensory perception. For example, sound, taste or smell image creates a particular concept. 2) Simplifying technique. This method for learning without memorizing is considered to be one of the most effective. It is based on the explaining the particular concept using the simplified lexicon. You can imagine the situation when you are supposed to describe or explain the idea to children or pupils. It usually helps to underline the concrete facts rather than abstract information. 3) Metaphorical images. Metaphors are great instruments for memorizing process. The key point is that you can combine the already known text forms with completely new images. It can help you to accept and analyze the new information more quickly. For example, if we are talking about global political issues we can correlate it with the experience from your own social activity. 4) Graphic images.  Creating of different kinds of diagrams, schemes and tables is a productive way for establishing connections between the various things. Moreover, this type of memorizing technique develops your own vision on the text material because you make logical operations during the information systematization. For example, when you are studying American history outline, you can create a table based on time line, political/social life etc. Such graphic image will show the differences and similarities between the periods. 5) Group learning. This method works as a kind of brainstorming. It appears when several people share their opinions or explanations regarding a specific topic. The members of a group therefore can make connections between the same facts and remember the subject itself. We have listed the best techniques for easy and productive perception of text information. You can choose the most appropriate way of learning without memorizing for you and start working with it. You should understand that you need try at least a couple of them. We hope that they will be useful in your studying and work. If you have some difficulties with learning and memorizing the information in various subjects, do not hesitate to visit TutorZ  to find the most qualified tutors. Our tutors make strong emphasis on memory training exercises.

?? Top 10 Female Role Models

?? Top 10 Female Role Models Top 10 Female Role Models Jane Lunnon, headteacher of Wimbledon High School, is pushing a new focus on celebrating female role models. Pupils in the London school are to be taught about inspirational figures from world politics and even Shakespeare's novels, in a bid to supplant social media superstars such as Kim Kardashian.In a spirit of support, here are our top ten female role models:1) Ellie SimmondsAs a British Paralympian swimmer, she has won ten World Championship golds, alongside numerous Olympic golds and the BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year. Alongside her incredible achievements in the pool, she is renowned for her determined but joyful attitude. 2) MalalaYousafzaiMalala is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate. She is known mainly for human rights advocacy for education and for women in her native Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan, where the local Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. Her impassioned speeches and determination to see change makes her a standout role model for others to follow. 3) Angela MerkelAngela Merkel is a German stateswoman and former research scientist. Merkel has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005, and the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000. Whatever your views on her policies, her presence as a central figure in European politics for such a sustained period makes her an incredible role model for all. 4) Emma WatsonWatson is an ambassador for the United Nation's HeForShe campaignâ€"a movement to remind us all that feminism really just means people treating each other with equal respect. She has been involved in the promotion of girls' education internationally and her powerful speech to the UN can be seen here: 5) Michelle ObamaMichelle Obama is an American lawyer, writer, and First Lady of the United States. In her own right, she is a formidableadvocate for social change, focussing on: healthy families, service members and their families, higher education, and international adolescent girls education. 6) Judi DenchA Shakesperean actor, Dench is a BAFTA winner and seven time Oscar-nominee. She is a British treasure and her roles as a leading, powerful female have won her immeasurable praise. 7) Jessica Ennis-HillWho does not love Jessica Ennis-Hill (apart from other female heptathletes)? An incredible athlete, she demonstrates what can be achieved through hard work and true dedication. What's more... she's from Sheffield! 8) Nicola AdamsThe smiliest boxer/person in the world - Nicola Adams is a figure who proves what is capable if you keep fighting for something. Sorry... terrible pun. Her attitude towards her sport and life in general is one for us all to learn from. 9) J K RowlingThe children's author and political campaigner stands out, not only for the manner in which she helps children encounter difficult and complex moral decisions in her writing, but also for the way in which she stands by her convictions. 10)Aung San Suu KyiThe world’s most famous living political activist, Aung San Suu Kyi has campaigned tirelessly for democracy in Burma, and is, therefore, an exceptional female role model. Let us know your thoughts on who else should be in the list.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Growing Stars Tutoring Jobs - Know How to Apply For It

Growing Stars Tutoring Jobs - Know How to Apply For ItIn case you're working on your way to becoming a professional tutor, growing stars tutoring jobs are available for you. The best part is that you don't need to necessarily be in the business of teaching students. You can start as a tutor and help others with their own issues.Tutoring has been a way of life for a long time, but it has only gained popularity in recent years. It involves teaching students all about various subjects at different levels. It can be the most challenging profession to work in, however. One reason is because it requires students to pass certain tests.Tutoring has always been based on a project. Students need to get through the subject they have chosen. They also need to learn how to do so with the help of their tutor. The role of the teacher is generally to make sure the student learns the lessons properly.There are times when it needs more than one person to teach a subject, and students need the assistan ce of the coach as well. But these jobs involve a lot of demands, so if you think that this will be something you'd like to try, you should consider making a career out of tutoring.If you're familiar with the latest trends, you'll have noticed the popularity of the popular internet career. When you want to apply, you need to be honest in your answers. In order to get accepted, you have to work very hard.Tutoring could be your perfect choice. You'll have the opportunity to make money on the side. The right tutor can earn you a lot. Some tutors can even help people find their ideal jobs.A good job that could give you a great income is tutoring. It's not easy to find a good job these days. Although the internet is a boon to those who want to find tutoring jobs, the problem is that there aren't that many jobs that need tutors. To find tutoring jobs that are available for you, all you need to do is search on the internet.

What Does Q Mean in Chemistry?

What Does Q Mean in Chemistry?If you are new to the science of Chemistry, you might be having some trouble understanding some of the symbols and terms. Although the structure of each element is explained here, the way it interacts with the rest of the world, and how it relates to energy are not easy to understand, but the concepts are quite important to have a better understanding of the nature of the elements, and their relation to energy.Science is not a formula, but a process of discovery and investigation. To develop and learn these principles of Science, you will need a lot of reading and practicing, which is why this is a very interesting field. Today, there are numerous ways to learn more about Chemistry. You can study Chemistry at school, but of course, it is better to learn these principles by yourself.The first thing you need to know about Chemistry is that it is a branch of science which focuses on the study of chemical reactions. At its simplest chemical reactions involve an element or compound that is atomically bound with another one, and has an external reaction to cause the two elements to mix. When this happens, a chain reaction takes place. Chemists also study the effects of the reactions on the properties of the substances involved.Chemical reactions involve the atoms and molecules of the molecules of an element or compound, in which there is an energy flow from one chemical bond to another. These bonds are of different types, such as covalent bonds, ionic bonds, covalent-bonds, and so on. The bonds are responsible for the properties of an element or compound. They can be changed from one type to another, by the actions of an external agent.As we know, in our bodies, energy can flow in different directions. When the body uses up oxygen, the whole organism will use energy in order to get rid of the waste products. This can happen in any part of the body, such as the heart, or the brain. When it comes to Energy flow, different elements and comp ounds have their own properties, and are in different stages of change and energy flow, depending on their properties.The act of using energy in the body is what makes us the person we are, and it is this factor that drives us to learn about these different elements and compounds. From the earth to the stars, the human body and its use of energy are crucial to our existence. In many cases, by studying the properties of molecules, we can discover more about our own body and ourselves.Now, you may be wondering, why study Chemistry? This is one of the most important processes in the physical world. It is a combination of technology and learning, and if you want to understand the power of the human body, you have to study its mechanisms, and learn how the interaction between these different things works.

A Guide to English Language Certificates

A Guide to English Language Certificates How to Choose your Certificate of Proficiency in English ChaptersTOEFLTOEICGMATAre you learning English? How good is your grammar? How do you know if you need to improve your English?Could you have an interview fully in English? If so, get on the phone and organise one!When you learn English, there are plenty of qualifications you can use to prove your proficiency or fluency in English. However, if you want to learn English for work, showing off your language skills on your CV is difficult since different people accept different exams.Taking the right one can open doors for you. Once you have your certificate, you can put your results on your CV and most employers around the world will immediately understand what your level of English is without having to ask any more questions.There are a number of educational systems around the world whose English classes aren’t recognised or would be disregarded when it comes to an interview. At least when talking about the English you learn in school. Don't worry, employers still tend to recognise de grees in English!Unfortunately, not every English course is recognised. Even if you can speak English well, have amazing listening skills, and know every idiom under the sun, you'll probably still have to look at specialised English courses just to sit one of these exams.However, thanks to increasing globalisation, these exams are becoming more and more widely accepted and internationally recognised.Whether working or studying, you'll probably need English. (Source: Unsplash)Furthermore, the English language is almost everyone's second language when it comes to business. If you're travelling, most tourist areas use the native language of the destination or English with tourists who don't speak the local language. Love it or hate it, the English language is here to stay so there's not much point in avoiding it any further.If you’d like to be accredited for your written and spoken English, there are a number of different examinations you can consider, each with their own set of adva ntages and disadvantages.In this article we’re going to have a look at a number of these and which are recognised and where, tell you which ones test your English grammar, writing skills, listening skills, and which ones include conjugating verbs, or deciphering specialised English vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.Listening, 60-90 minutes;Speaking, 20 minutes;Writing, 50 minutes.Speaking can also be done separately as the TOEFL Academic Speaking Test (TAST).Scores are out 677 for the paper exam, 300 for the computer exam, and 120 for the online exam.Vocabulary and grammar are essential linguistic skills. (Source: Visual Hunt)One disadvantage of the TOEFL is that it's only valid for two years. This is because language competency can change very quickly over time if the user isn't practising their language.However, this is also probably a very good way for ETS to get customers coming back, right?Most universities accept a TOEFL exam and it's also often used to check graduates’ and interns’ English level.There are also plenty other disadvantages of the TOEFL:For one, it’s a multiple-choice format exam. This isn't considered to be completely representative of language abilities and probably oversimplifies the whole language-learning process.Additionally, it’s often criticised for how costly it is and the spoken part isn’t ideal, either.Younger students can opt for “Junior” version if they're aged 11 and over. This can be a good way of gauging a student’s level and also evaluating the education system.See where you can learn English online.TOEICThe Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is also available from ETS. However, this one focuses on business English rather than general English.The TOEIC was created in 1979.  Following the demands of globalisation and the Japanese Minister of Commerce and Industry.More than 14,000 businesses across 150 countries are happy to take your money to sit a TOEIC exam.TOEIC testUnlike the TOE FL, this exam doesn't cover language creation. It's only really interested in understanding and includes just listening and reading parts, making it ideal for those that hate English speaking and writing exams.It doesn’t differ too much from the TOEFL and even follows the multiple-choice format.The listening part includes photographs, dialogues, and monologues, lasts 45 minutes, and contains 100 questions.The reading part (gap-fill exercises, texts) also contains 100 questions and lasts an hour and 15 minutes.The exam is out of 990 and is graded according to a colour.The lowest grade is orange (10-215), then brown (220-465), green (470-725), and blue (730-855). The highest grade is gold (860-990).If you want to speak English, why not go to Bath? (Source: Pixabay)In order to complement these comprehension activities, there is also the TOEIC Speaking and Writing with a 20-minute speaking part and an hour-long writing exam. Each of these parts is graded out of 200 points.Finally, the ETS launched the TOEIC Bridge in 2001 in order to validate the abilities of intermediate non-native English speakers. While not as widely recognised, it focuses on secondary-school students or professionals just starting out in English. It can be useful for those wanting to take the TOEIC further down the line who'd like to see the format of these styles of exams.There are a few tools to help you get ready for the TOEIC. The ETS also has a number of resources as part of the the TOEIC Official Learning and Preparation Course and there are also plenty of centres and private tutors around the world that would be happy to help you prepare for it.Want to become an english tutor yourself? Find our what certificates you'll need.GMATLet’s have a look at an exam not involving ETS.While the TOEFL focuses on academic abilities and the TOEIC focuses on business English, the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is for those who decided to study English (or are currently taking English le ssons) because they'd like to get into business management.This certificate is required for anyone who’d like to study an MBA or go to business school. It  was created in 1953 by the Graduate Management Admission Council in Virginia, USA.It’s available in 3,000 business or management schools across 96 countries. Over 200,000 students take the exam and you can only take the exam a maximum of 5 times in a given year.You need to be at least 13 years old to sign up and you’ll need to hand over around £200. You’ll need to be IT literate since the test takes place on a computer.You should read the answers before the question. Then, after having read the question, eliminate the answers that are obviously incorrect before choosing the most logical answer. This technique can save you a lot of time in an exam where you have to be fairly quick.GMAT testThe test lasts 4 hours but as I said before, you’ll have to carefully manage your time.The results are split across several sections :AWA (Analytics Writing Assessment): 30 minutes: 6 points.IR (Integrated Reasoning): 12 questions, 20 minutes: 8 points.Quantitative Section: 37 questions, 1 hour 15 minutes, 60 points.Verbal Section: 41 questions, 1 hour 15 minutes, 60 points.The final results will be on a scale between 200 and 800.The GMAT results consider every GMAT a given candidate has sat over the last five years!This means your score could either go up or down. It’s an interesting aspect of the GMAT that separates it from the other English language exams available.Remember that most MBA programmes at the top universities require a GMAT score of at least 650.English grammar, irregular verbs, and spelling can be complicated. Be careful! (Source: Stocksnap)In the event of tough competition, you’ll have to differentiate yourself from other candidates with your English abilities and your fluency in the language.  Depending on your situation, you’ll have to choose which English test is for you.While we’ve l ooked three of the most common exams: TOEFL, TOEIC, and the GMAT, there’s also the IELTS by the British Council.All your linguistic abilities will be tested in practical and professional exams.  Literary aspects, such as writing style, are largely ignored. However, that doesn’t mean you need to ignore all English literature in your personal life.There's also Cambridge English tests, which offer internationally-recognised exams for almost everyone. Children can do the YLE (Young Learners) while teens and adults can get qualifications from A2 (KET) to C2 (Proficiency).Make sure that you consider all your options before taking an English exam. Think about why you need a qualification in English and whether the people you need to prove your level to are going to recognise it!

How Tutors Can Encourage Higher-Order Thinking Skills

How Tutors Can Encourage Higher-Order Thinking Skills Higher-Order Thinking: How Tutors Encourage Students to Think ChaptersMarking the Path Toward Higher-Order ThinkingActivities That Promote Critical Thinking SkillsCultivating Problem Solving SkillsYour assignment: homework help.This particular student has trouble grasping aspects of an academic subject. S/he is not motivated to do any independent study and any prescribed assignment garners poor marks, either for its incomplete answers or for not being done at all.Desperate for academic success, this pupil’s caregivers envisage your supervising his/her work, both the accuracy and completeness thereof.Is there any room for you to do more?Might you perhaps find time and opportunity, in your weekly sessions with that student, to foster thinking skills? To plumb his/her depth of thought and bring to light previously untapped cognitive skills â€" skills s/he might not even know s/he possesses?Should you go beyond what you have been contracted to do â€" ensuring that homework gets done and is correct?Whether you are a classroom teacher who moonlight s as a tutor or someone who earns a living strictly by providing academic support outside of school, surely you know that encouraging students to think through their assignments rather than just doing them is an essential part of your function as an educator.Doing so might already be an integral part of your pedagogy.On the other hand, if you are new to tutoring or are undecided over whether to follow your clients’ wishes to the letter, working in the best interests of your students’ college and career prospects, you might revise your lesson planning and teaching strategies  to also impart thinking skills.Your Superprof now lays out tips, strategies and learning activities that will help you guide your charges to becoming higher-order thinkers.From whomever the saying originated, there is substantial truth in the idea that, if you handicap someone by limiting their access â€" to food, to work or to knowledge, that person will soon hunger again.However, arming people to provide f or themselves, be it in physical sustenance or intellectual curiosity permits them to be self-reliant in achieving their goals.This ethical reflection makes the case for educators’ efforts at instilling higher order thinking skills in their students.According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, three interrelated learning domains underpin a learner’s academic career. They are:the cognitive domain, which encapsulates knowledge â€" analysis, synthesis and comprehension of study materialthe affective domain is emotion-based, which triggers the responding to and valuing of information, as well as the characterisation and organisation of suchthe psychomotor domain includes guided response â€" maybe executing a math function through step by step prompts and complex overt response, such as those needed for 21st century skills.General education has traditionally only addressed the cognitive domain.Pretty much since the inception of compulsory education, it has been the foundation upon which learning objectives are set, the curriculum is structured and assessments are conducted.That means that fully 2/3 of Blooms Taxonomy is not even addressed which, in turn, means that a substantial portion of the student population’s learning needs is not being met.That leaves ample room for tutors to help their students develop higher level thinking... with a caveat!As we pointed out in a companion article, it is entirely possible to push students too hard in fostering higher-order thinking abilities.The net result of doing so could have disastrous consequences for both your mentoring relationship and on your pupil’s academic success.That is why it is best to start slowly...Teaching your students to think critically will make them star pupils! Source: Pixabay Credit: GeraltActivities That Promote Critical Thinking SkillsWho, what, when, where, why and how.These types of questions are a great way to start your students on the path to thinking critically - bearing in mind that doing so doe s not imply that criticism and finding fault  are the order of the day.Of the six questions featured in the 5W+H above, the last W, ‘why’, is perhaps the most critical.“Why do you think that?” “Why did that happen?” “Why is that answer the right one?” â€" should you be going over a just-completed multiple choice answer sheet, for instance.Simply asking ‘why?’ is an easy way to prime your pupils for thinking and it only takes a few times of your doing so for him/her to anticipate your question and have the answer ready.It is also an excellent way to assure student engagement â€" both with you and with the subject material.Once s/he becomes adept at answering those questions, you can take that game to the next level by having them write down all of the steps they took in arriving at their conclusion to a question you pose.Not only does that address the psychomotor domain outlined by Benjamin Bloom but it also calls for the student to outline any prior knowledge of the topic in question and fosters metacognition â€" the understanding of one’s own thought processes.If you are a school teacher, surely you know how limited opportunities such as these are in class!Once you are assured of your student’s ability to render reasoned conclusions to questions you pose, you might move on to debating: offering up a topic for discussion and allowing time to prepare arguments.You may perhaps task him/her to compare and contrast aspects of the topic and explain how s/he arrived at the conclusion s/he reached.Naturally, debating works better with study groups, where there would inevitably be several opinions offered up.Once assured that your charges are capable of thinking critically, it is time to tackle the second major branch of higher order thinking.Use sticky notes to organise facets of a problem Source: Pixabay Credit: BluebudgieCultivating Problem Solving SkillsCritical thinking skills are only half of the equation representing higher order thinkin g. The other half is problem-solving skills, and fostering those requires finesse as well as a bit of educational psychology.Educational psychology concerns itself with cognitive development, learning methods and student assessment.Specifically applied to problem solving, cognitive development addresses how your students process information and how creatively they approach ‘problems’.The problem may be an open-ended question you pose, a word problem in their math homework or a social problem with other students at school.Yes, even those can impact student learning!Let’s assume, for the sake of this discussion that you have posed a challenging question that requires some thought. You get to see their critical thinking skills at work!1. You might suggest s/he  â€˜play’ with the problem. This encourages him/her to look at the issue from many different perspectives; you could even suggest a few.2. Break the problem down into component parts. What is involved? Who is involved? Wh ere did it happen? Why? How? You could then guide him/her to determining the biggest aspect of the problem or the aspect easiest to solve.5W+H is an excellent tool to use in problem solving activities!3. Get verbal! Reasoning through a problem out loud helps to slow down thought processes so that students don’t feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the issue.Perhaps, if your student is a kinesthetic learner (or particularly agitated), you might suggest s/he write down the main components of the problem on sticky-notes as s/he talks. One sticky for each aspect, and then organise them in order of importance.4. Focus on the process, not the answer: believe it or not, there is more satisfaction to be had by discussion of all that a problem entails than by arriving at a conclusion.5. If your student is a bit older (or more cognitively developed), you might try giving only pointed suggestions rather than guiding them to the desired response. Guiding is an effective technique if your stude nt is younger or less intellectually mature.No matter what the outcome of the problem-solving exercise is â€" whether or not s/he has arrived at a satisfactory conclusion, positive reinforcement is vital to student success.After all, the point of such exercises is to think more so than to solve, at least at the outset of this phase of intellectual development, right?Naturally, once s/he has mastered these skills, s/he would actually have to solve problems and come up with workable solutions.The good news is that, once you’ve helped your students train their minds to think effectively, coming up with answers to higher order thinking questions will be child’s play rather than a stress inducer.Does cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills take a lot of time and effort?Surprisingly not!As a part of your initial interview with students and their caregivers, you would naturally form an idea of that pupil’s cognitive abilities (and preferred learning style!) so that y ou can determine exactly what is needed from you.Armed with that background knowledge, as you work together you would continuously gauge his/her progress as a thinker through formative assessment.The insights you glean through these processes will give you an idea of how you should proceed with fostering higher-order thinking skills.Will that take you beyond the homework help you were hired to give?That depends on whether your pupil’s caregivers advocate for giving a man a fish versus teaching him to fish...We intuit that you stand firm on the side of teaching.Join the discussion: is it more vital to be a problem solver or a critical thinker?

Travelling to Rio de Janeiro

Travelling to Rio de Janeiro What You Need to Know Before Visiting Rio ChaptersVisiting Rio: The Different Areas of the CityThe Cost of Visiting Rio de JaneiroAccommodation in Rio de JaneiroThe Best Time to Visit Brazil’s Second City“Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.” - Francis BaconEvery year, Rio de Janeiro becomes more touristy. In 2018, the city welcomed 1.5 million tourists just during the Rio carnival, 400,000 more than the previous year.  If you want to visit Brazil, don’t miss Rio de Janeiro. The second-largest city in the country is home to plenty of cultural and festive sights.Here’s our advice for planning a trip to Rio de Janeiro, where you should visit, how much it'll cost, where you can stay, and the best time to visit. IrineuPortuguese Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GabrielaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoanaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouisePortuguese Teacher 5.00 (2) £27/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RodrigoPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BlancaPortuguese Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolinaPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamPortuguese Teacher 5.00 (6) £11/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsVisiting Rio: The Different Areas of the CityRio de Janeiro is by the Guanabara Bay on the Atlantic Ocean and is surrounded by hills and the Atlantic Forest. If there's one thing you visit in Rio de Janeiro, this should be it! (Source: 32800)Rio is divided into four main districts:The North ZoneThe Central ZoneThe South ZoneThe West ZoneMost tourist activities are located in the centre and south of the city. In these areas, you’ll find the city’s main attraction whereas, in the west, you’ll find wealthy areas away from tourists.When you arrive, you’ll land in the north of the city, known for its slums, locally known as favelas. Brazil is one of the most unequal countries in the world: the very poor rub shoulders with the very rich but cannot afford to pay rent in the centre or south of the city.CentroThe Central Zone is a mix of old and new. This is where you’ll find Avenida Rio Branco, which runs through the business district. The old colonial homes lead right up to modern business buildings.You can also visit Cinelândia, where there are magnificent buildings to see and visit: Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, National Libr ary of Brazil, and the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes.Santa Teresa and Lapa near Cinelândia run along the river. If you want to enjoy a bit of samba or a forro.Santa Teresa shares similarities to Montmartre in Paris with the Escadaria Selarón and the old 145 tram crossing the old aqueduct. This bohemian neighbourhood is home to plenty of artists and workshops.Rio’s South ZoneIf you’ve come to Rio to enjoy beautiful beaches, you’ve come to the right place. Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, and Urca are areas in the south of the city where you can head to the beach with a good book (or a caipirinha, we won’t judge).There are also plenty of parties, especially during the carnival period and the new year. If you want a great view of the city, the cable car to the summit of Sugarloaf Mountain is waiting for you. On the other side, you can enjoy the statue of Chris the Redeemer by heading up the Corcovado mountain from Santa Teresa.Find out more about the areas of Rio de Janeiro.The C ost of Visiting Rio de JaneiroThe cost of visiting Rio will depend on how you like to travel. Brazil isn’t one of the cheapest countries in South America and generally, you’ll spend around £30 on accommodation, food, and activities. In some cases, you could end up paying a similar amount in some European countries. Before you head to the beach, work out your budget! (Source: leogaleno)Rio is more accessible than São Paulo but it’s still more expensive than a lot of Brazilian cities. There are 5 main things that you’ll need to budget for:FlightsAccommodationFoodAttractionsTransportFlightsOn average, return flights can cost around £700 but it’ll depend entirely on when you go.  We recommend that you get your flights at least 3 months in advance and use sites like Skyscanner or Google Flights.AccommodationAccommodation will probably be your second biggest expense after the flights. The rates can vary wildly and at certain times of the year, be as expensive as in cities like New York or Paris. You can also save some money by staying in youth hostels, budget hotels, or Airbnbs.Work out your budget per night and use sites like,, and Airbnb.To help you better understand the Brazilians, why not get Portuguese lessons?FoodTravelling is a great way to learn about Brazilian culture through food: açai berry purée, bolinhos de aipim, moqueca (a Brazilian Amazonian fish stew), vatapa, and plenty of fresh fruit. You can enjoy yourself for around £10 per day!Our advice is to enjoy street food or restaurants that charge by the kilo.Tourist AttractionsVisiting Corcovado and Sugarloaf Mountain cost around £15 each. The botanical gardens cost under £4 and there are plenty of free attractions around the city. You’ll need to pay around £3 for a ferry to Ilha Grande. Our advice is to get your tickets ahead of time so that you won’t have to wait in a queue to get them.With Copacabana beach, Ipanema beach, and plenty of other natural wonders on Brazil's marvellous coastline, there are plenty of things to see and do.TransportPublic transport in Rio isn’t great. Buses aren’t very reliable so it’s probably best to avoid them. The metro is more reliable but it only runs in the centre and south of the city down to Ipanema. Taxis are more affordable and sa fer at night.  We recommend getting the 99pop app so that you can save around 20% on your taxi.Accommodation in Rio de JaneiroRio’s reputation as a dangerous city is hard to shake. In one respect, this is true and you should be careful and opt for travelling by taxi at night. Similarly, don’t leave valuable items on display and avoid unsafe neighbourhoods. Think carefully about where you're going to stay in Rio. (Source: Walkerssk)Don’t hesitate to ask your hotel or hostel about places to avoid. The locals are also very concerned about pickpockets and thieves and will know the city better than you. Don’t let this put you off, though, as there are plenty of safe places in Rio and if you’re careful, you’ll be fine.Some of the safest areas are Urca, Ipanema, and Leblon. Copacabana, as a popular tourist destination, is also a popular destination for pickpockets. In Santa Teresa, you don’t need to worry too much as long as you aren’t walking around the city centre late at night.Anyway, let's look at accommodation in Rio.Hotels in RioThe cost of hotels in Rio will depend on the type of hotel and where it is. There are a lot of high-end hotels in Rio but they tend to be cheaper than they’d be in the UK.You can expect to pay between £40 and £80 a night for a double room with breakfast included in 3- and 4-star hotels. You can e ven get ocean views or a pool.Youth HostelsYouth hostels are popping up all over Rio and there are plenty of them all over the city, especially in Copacabana.  If you’re travelling alone, this is a good way to meet people.  You can pay between £7 and £15 a night for a bed in a dorm with breakfast included.Airbnbs in RioYou could also choose to rent a flat in Rio. Airbnb allows you to rent a room and rub shoulders with the locals or an entire property to yourself.  Again, the rates will vary on when and where you go but you can get studio apartments for as little as £20 a night in Santa Teresa.The Best Time to Visit Brazil’s Second CityRio has a humid tropical climate and it’s generally quite warm and humid throughout the year. Like most tropical countries, there are two main seasons: the dry period and the rainy period. During the Carnaval, Rio is incredibly busy! (Source: 489327)The dry period, between October and December, is the best time to discover Rio, but you can also go between March and May if you don’t like the heat (with temperatures around 25 °C) and want to avoid the rain and storms.Carnaval takes place during the rainy season and is usually in February or March depending on the year. During the rainy season, temperatures can exceed 35 °C and it rains regularly.However, it doesn’t usually rain for the entire day and if you just have to see the carnival, then you’re going to have to deal with the rain.You’ll need at least 4 days to enjoy the different areas of Rio. It would be silly to not enjoy your trip by enjoying samba classes, forro shows, the statue of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor), and the beautiful beaches.Discover the best time to visit Rio.So when are you going to Rio de Janeiro?Before you go, you might want to learn some Portuguese.  Fortunately for you, there are plenty of talented Portuguese tutors on Superprof!  There are three types of tutorial available, each with its advantages and disadvantages: group tutorials, online tutorials, and face-to-face tutorials.Group tutorials are great for those on a budget as you can share the cost of the tutor's time with the other students in attendance. It could be useful if you're going to Porto with a group of friends, though.Similarly, online tutorials are good if you're on a budget as the tutor doesn't have to travel and can, therefore, charge less per hour. Your tutor might even be from Brazil.Finally, face-to-face tutorials are between just you and the tutor. This is the most costly type of tutorial but it's also the most cost-effective.

The Best Karaoke Apps for Learning to Sing

The Best Karaoke Apps for Learning to Sing Learn to Sing on your Smartphone with Karaoke Applications ChaptersWhy You Should Use Karaoke AppsAre Mobile Apps and Vocal Coaches Compatible with One Another?There are very few people who’ve ever taken a singing lesson. However, how many of you have done karaoke or had a karaoke evening at yours? With games like SingStar, everyone can be a famous singer for a song or two. While most of us are pretty awful singers and struggle to sing in tune, it doesn't matter how limited your vocal range is when you're singing karaoke!However, have you ever considered practising your singing with karaoke videos or  using apps on your smartphone or tablet to practise singing on your own and with your friends in order to improve your singing voice? You’ll kill it at your next karaoke night!Here’s how to do it: check out some of the best karaoke apps in order to learn how to sing and hit those high notes!Android and iOS.“This app is great! I love it! Smule and Yokee have everything but this app has the most important thing: You can choose songs from your own library of music! Even though the vocal effects aren’t as good as those on Smule, you save a lot of time and storage space on your phone by not having to download extra files” - Redolenze, SingPlay User.Get ready for a singing competition! (Source: Voice: On StageAre you a fan of The Voice and do you dream of taking part? This smartphone app puts you right there on the stage in front of the judges.  There are several tracks available in the beginning including Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars and you can sing along to the words, modify your voice, and try to convince the coaches. You can also record your own version of the songs.The best thing about the app? The more you sing, the more songs you unlock.  While the pro version costs a couple of pounds, it is one of the best Android and iOS apps.“It’s an easy way for amateurs to record and listen to themselves instantly and for free. You can even use vocal effects to improve your voice on your smartphone. In terms of songs available, the options are limitless: there’s something for everyone!” Pearl, The Voice: On Stage UserYokeeWhen you download Yokee on Play Store or the App Store, you can start being the star you’ve always dreamt you were. While the free version is only available for a week, you’ll need to pay a few pounds to continue using all the songs on the app.There’s a good range of songs that are updated regularly. Since it’s based on YouTube videos, you can imagine how many titles are available.  You can sing and record your performance while adding effects like echo or reverb if you want. You can then share your performance on Facebook with your friends and let them rate you.“The sound quality is good. The timing of the words and the music are good, too. Then you record yourself and realise what a terrible singer you are. Fortunately, there are vocal effects to minimise the damage. One thing: You have to pay for this “free” app after 7 days.” Themightymosh e, App User.Sing with apps on your tablet or smartphone. (Source: Mobile Apps and Vocal Coaches Compatible with One Another?As you can see, there are plenty of karaoke apps and audio files available. Can these apps really replace a genuine vocal coach?Yes and no.For those just starting to sing, I’d say no. Even a really good app can’t replace everything you can learn about singing: key, how to not damage your vocal chords, learning to breathe correctly. If you're serious about learning to sing, taking online singing lessons is a good starting point.For experienced singers, a karaoke app could be useful practice when you can’t get to a singing lesson. If you already know how to sing, you just need to practice a few songs, listen back to them, and work on improving. Recording yourself singing is recommended by voice coaches as part of your vocal training.When you first start singing, a simple app won't be enough. You'll have to enlist the help of a professional. (Source: is a great way to practise singing a huge variety of different songs in your own style.A good app (free or otherwise) could be a great addition to singing lessons and help you learn to sing, too. If you record your singing exercises on the app, you can send it to a teacher who'll give you singing tips and vocal techniques you can use for your next audition.Practising karaoke online could help you practise while having fun. Just don’t use the effects to hide your mistakes from your singing teachers!Recording yourself is a great way to get better at singing. You can also see how you perform or show the video to your tutor for feedback during your voice lessons. They’ll be able to see where you’re going wrong and help you with your warm up exercises, breath control, posture, and put you on the path to singing success.You can also take singing lessons online.In short:An app is much cheaper than singing tutorials. While it’s difficult for beginners t o learn with just an app, more experienced singers can use them as a tool for improving.If you’re making mistakes, it’s easy to cover them up. Isn’t that cheating? It depends how you use it. Think of it like makeup.You can sing whatever song you like. If you don’t like that one, choose another.Sing! Karaoke by Smule seems to be the most popular app. It also seems to be the most complete app.Finally, don’t forget that if you want to learn to really sing, an app can’t do everything. However, when combined with regularly singing lessons, this could really help you to progress.Are you an aspiring vocalist? You should also check out the best tools for recording your voice.Find  singing lessons in the UK with Superprof. Whether you're taking  Singing lessons London,  Singing lessons Edinburgh, or  Singing lessons Manchester you can find the best vocal coaches in the UK with us.